Every year, we hear from a handful of frustrated parents. Their lifestyle, their finances, or their comfort level just doesn’t align with the path to horse ownership at their current barn and they don’t know how to get where they want to go.
But when you start your riding career at one barn and you’ve never experienced anything else, you don’t yet know what you don’t know!

You don’t know that there are different levels of involvement/commitment for new horse owners.
You don’t know that there are different types of barns that specialize in showing at the local to national level and everything in between.
You don’t know if you would enjoy horse showing at a national “A” rated show.
You don’t know that there are options for spending 1 hour/day at the barn vs. spending 3 hours/day at the barn.
The good news? There are so many more options than you know. Some trainers specialize in pony divisions and some specialize in bringing up young talent to the Grand Prix level. Some programs teach client involvement with the horse right down to cleaning it's stall and some programs are geared toward those who need to just focus on the riding.
And while we are at it, there are optimal types of horses for each of those programs too!

If you are hoping to take a few steps forward on your equine journey this year and feeling a little like a square peg in a round hole, we can help you discover a path that works for you. If there is one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s that everyone’s path to success looks different and there is no one size to fit all. Click here for a free consultation.